January 15, 2025


ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
Lawmakers Chase Affordability in Energy Transition in Maine
Maine legislators and officials gave a preview of their work this year in implementing the state’s energy policies while keeping costs to consumers low.
Baker Returns Climate Bill to Mass. Legislature
Gov. Charlie Baker returned a comprehensive climate bill to the legislature, with amendments that would lower the bill’s 2030 emissions reduction goal.
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: Feb. 4, 2021
The NEPOOL Participants Committee discussed compensation for officers, ISO-NE's energy market and extended FERC deadlines at its last meeting.
Energy Siting Tops Maine Environmental Policy Priorities
Maine's Office of Policy Innovation and the Future said solar and offshore wind energy siting will be among the state legislature's environmental priorities
NE States Considering Different Market Models
New England state officials heard suggestions for how ISO-NE’s electricity markets could be altered to aid in the implementation of decarbonization mandates
Overheard at Conn. LCV Environmental Summit
The Connecticut League of Conservation Voters held its annual environmental summit, discussing the TCI-P and a planned natural gas power plant.
NECA Panel Discusses DERs, Impact of Order 2222
Attendees of a NECA webinar discussed concerns about and the impact of FERC Order 2222, as well as other potential roadblocks to DERs’ extensive deployment.
Massachusetts Lawmakers Pass Climate Bill, Again
Lawmakers in Massachusetts passed a climate bill identical to one vetoed by Gov. Charlie Baker in mid-January.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Jan. 21, 2021
ISO-NE's Planning Advisory Committee heard a presentation from Eversource detailing updates to transmission infrastructure and proposed a new PAC chair.
ISO-NE Provides Initial Feedback on ‘Future Grid’ Study
ISO-NE said stakeholders’ proposed schedule for the Phase 1 reliability and market analyses in the Future Grid Initiative is "aggressive but achievable."

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