September 8, 2024


ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
FERC Rejects Enforcement Action in Connecticut PURPA Dispute
FERC declined to begin an enforcement action under PURPA on behalf of Allco Finance and its unit Windham Solar in Connecticut.
Panel: New England Will Meet CPP Goals Regardless of Court Outcome
New England states are moving ahead with their own greenhouse gas reduction programs while EPA’s Clean Power Plan remains in legal limbo.
Overheard at the NECA Environmental Conference
At the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association (NECA) Annual Environmental Conference last week, panelists discussed the presidential election.
FERC Accepts ISO-NE Sloped Zonal Demand Curves
ISO-NE and NEPOOL said the new sloped zonal demand curves, approved by FERC, will significantly improve the performance of the Forward Capacity Market.
NH PUC Approves Sale of Merrimack Station
State regulators on Friday approved Public Service Company of New Hampshire’s divestiture of the Merrimack Station and other generation assets.
Eversource, Hydro-Quebec File PPA for Northern Pass
Hydro-Quebec and Eversource Energy filed a PPA with the NH PUC to deliver at least 100 MW during peak hours over the Northern Pass Transmission line.
In Northeast, Fleet Turnover to Natural Gas is Unabated
The dash for gas shows no sign of abating, speakers said at the Energy Bar Association (EBA) Northeast Chapter’s 2016 Annual Meeting.
Generation Owners Seek to Block EDC-Pipeline Deals
PSEG and NextEra petitioned FERC to block New England states’ efforts to have electric ratepayers underwrite the cost of expanded natural gas pipelines.
Northern Pass Challenge Headed to NH Supreme Court
The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests has appealed the dismissal of its complaint against Northern Pass.
FERC Accepts ISO-NE Auction Results
FERC accepted the results of ISO-NE’s 10th Forward Capacity Auction, again concluding that the prices were just and reasonable.

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