September 8, 2024


ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
ISO-NE Study Sees Little Savings from Keene Road Tx Upgrade
An ISO-NE market efficiency transmission project intended to release bottled wind resources in Maine may not be cost-effective, according to a draft report.
LaFleur Backs NEPOOL Market-Climate Collaborative
NEPOOL's collaborative process to address climate change while preserving wholesale electricity markets won endorsement from FERC Comm. Cheryl LaFleur.
Connecticut Advances Small-Scale Renewables Contracts
Connecticut has selected 25 small scale renewables projects totaling 402 MW to negotiate PPAs with the state’s two electric distribution companies.
Overheard at the US/Canada Energy Conference
Speakers at the 24th U.S./Canada Energy Trade and Technology Conference discussed the need for modernizing New England's grid and an uncertain future.
ISO-NE Capacity Requirement Shows Flat Demand, More Solar
The installed capacity requirement ISO-NE filed with FERC shows a continuing trend of declining load growth and a greater reliance on behind-the-meter solar.
Renewables Win Some, Lose Some in State Election Results
Renewable energy made gains in some states, but other state election results were not as favorable or as expected.
Court Halts New England Clean Energy Contracts
A federal appeals court has halted the award of clean energy contracts sought by three New England states while it considers an appeal filed by Allco.
Markets vs. Climate Goals the Subject at NECA Conference
Attendees at the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association 15th Power Markets Conference talked about the challenge of preserving competitive markets while decarbonizing the New England economy.
ISO-NE Auction Rehearing Requests Denied
FERC rejected requests for rehearing of its order accepting the results of the ISO-NE 10th Forward Capacity Auction.
New England States Move Toward Renewables Contracts
New England states will negotiate with developers of six renewable power projects totaling 460 MW in the next phase of their effort to procure clean energy.

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