September 7, 2024


ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
ISO-NE Market Falls in 2016; LMPs, Gas Prices Lowest on Record
ISO-NE’s wholesale electric market totaled $4.1 billion in 2016, down 30% from 2015 thanks to low natural gas prices and mild weather.
Eversource 2016 Results Up Despite Warm Q1
Eversource Energy reported 2016 earnings of $942.3 million, up 7% over 2015 earnings of $878.5 million.
NE Power Pool Extends IMAPP Timeline
The NEPOOL IMAPP collaborative process will suspend its monthly meetings until May to allow ISO-NE more time to develop a new market design.
ISO-NE Capacity Prices Fall 25%, Lowest Since 2013
Prices dropped by one-quarter to $5.30/kW-month in the ISO-NE 11th Forward Capacity Auction, the lowest since 2013.
Connecticut Lawmakers to Draw Up Millstone Rescue Plan
Connecticut legislators held a hearing to gather input on a bill that would support Dominion's Millstone nuclear plant.
Bay Blasts MOPR on Way Out the Door
FERC rebuffed generators’ attempt to apply ISO-NE’s minimum offer price rule (MOPR) to 200 MW of renewable generation that were granted an exemption.
Court Rules for Northern Pass on Right-of-Way Access
The New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that state transportation officials can determine if the Northern Pass transmission line can be buried in a highway.
Atlantic Bridge Project Approved by FERC
FERC approved the Atlantic Bridge pipeline project, which will expand natural gas delivery capacity in New York and New England.
ISO-NE Opens First Public Policy Process Under Order 1000
ISO-NE is seeking stakeholder comments on statutes and regulations that could require new transmission under the public policy conditions of FERC Order 1000.
FERC Rejects Broader Waiver for Emergency Generators in ISO-NE
FERC denied a request to broaden a waiver providing relief to real-time emergency generation resources in ISO-NE.

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