September 7, 2024


ISO New England Inc. is a regional transmission organization that oversees the operation of the electricity transmission system, coordinates wholesale electricity markets, and manages power system planning for the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and most of Maine.
State Climate Policies and Markets: Irreconcilable Differences?
Executives from PJM, NYISO and ISO-NE will gather with stakeholders at FERC to seek ways to incorporate policies on greenhouse gases into wholesale markets.
Avangrid Q1 Net Income up 13% on NY, Conn. Rate Hikes
Avangrid reported consolidated net income of $239 million ($0.77/share), compared with $212 million ($0.69/share) for the same period in 2016.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs
Eversource Energy and ISO-NE told the Planning Advisory Committee meeting they support a $7.7 million project to keep the Mount Tom switchyard.
ISO-NE Study Projects Impact of $64/ton Carbon Price
A new analysis by ISO-NE shows that increasing carbon allowance prices would boost the region’s LMPs by more than 30% under all six scenarios studied.
Court Rebuffs New England TOs, Upholds FERC ROFR Order
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected challenges to FERC Order 1000 by New England Transmission Owners and state officials.
Maxim Power Sells US Assets to Hull Street Energy
Maxim Power has closed a deal to sell its U.S. subsidiary and its five plants, concluding a two-year effort to stave off threats to the company’s survival.
Study: New England Needs More Wind, Tx to Meet RPS Targets
New England states will not have enough renewable resources to meet the 2025 and 2030 targets in current renewable portfolio standards.
Court Rejects FERC ROE Order for New England
The D.C. Circuit overturned the 2014 FERC order setting the base return on equity (ROE) for a group of New England transmission owners at 10.57%.
Gas, LMPs Rebound in NY, New England in March
A spike in natural gas prices pushed LMPs up in both NYISO and ISO-NE in March, though analysts say the rise may be short-lived.
Millstone No Dead Weight for Dominion, Says Opponents’ Study
The Millstone nuclear power plant has earned at least $3 billion in profits for Dominion since the company bought it, according to a study.

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