July 30, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
FERC Affirms its Jurisdiction over Tri-State G&T
FERC affirmed that it has exclusive jurisdiction over Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association’s rates and member exit charges.
FERC Partially Approves DP&L Tx Rate Incentives
FERC partially accepted Dayton Power and Light’s transmission rate incentives request, requiring more information on its petition for an RTO participation adder.
Montana Supreme Court Rebuffs PSC on PURPA Rules
The Montana PSC “arbitrarily and unlawfully” reduced solar generators’ payments and contract lengths under PURPA, the Supreme Court ruled.
Coastal States Seek Balance on Offshore Wind
East Coast state officials with offshore wind goals said they are trying to balance the urgency of projects with the potential economies.
Memphis Moves Closer to Breaking from TVA
Memphis Light, Gas and Water took another step away from TVA as staff recommended it issue its first ever request for proposals for new energy sources.
BPA Reinstates COVID-19 Restrictions
BPA has pulled back into a more cautious operational posture in response to the COVID-19 pandemic after relaxing restrictions in June.
BPA Poised to Weather COVID Impact
The pandemic is having little impact on BPA's financial health, with FY 2020 net income projected to exceed a worst-case scenario.
ComEd, Madigan Sued for $450M in Racketeering Suit
Illinois electric customers filed a federal civil racketeering lawsuit against ComEd and House Speaker Michael Madigan, seeking $450M in damages.
FERC Report Touts High-voltage Benefits
Development of new high-voltage transmission lines could provide benefits for the U.S. electricity system, FERC said in a recent report.
McNamee to Leave FERC in September
FERC Commissioner Bernard McNamee announced he will leave the commission on Sept. 4, after President Trump nominated a replacement.

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