July 30, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
OSW Group Seeks Changes on Tx Planning, Cost Allocation
Offshore wind advocates are calling for changes to RTO transmission planning and cost allocation rules to reduce costs and development risks.
Colorado PUC Dismisses Complaints vs. Tri-State
The Colorado PUC dismissed formal complaints filed against Tri-State G&T, saying it lacked legal jurisdiction to rule on the proceeding.
Moody’s: NY Faces Long Economic Recovery
New York health indicators are now pointing in the right direction, but it faces a long road to economic recovery, Moody’s told NYISO.
Glick: FERC Should Help RTOs Work with States
FERC Commissioner Glick promotes cooporation between states, RTOs and FERC in moving toward renewable energy.
DR Firm Challenges FERC, MISO on State Opt-out
Demand response aggregator Voltus filed a complaint with FERC challenging the state opt-out provision in Order 719.
FERC Proposes Updating PURPA Regs for Fuel Cells
Prompted by a petition from Bloom Energy, FERC proposed to include solid oxide fuel cells as qualifying cogeneration facilities under PURPA.
Future of Tx Planning Debated at EBA Conference
TOs, regulators and stakeholders face a massive task in planning for new transmission as they prepare for an influx of renewable resources.
Energy Bar Association
EBA Panel Probes FERC’s Allegheny Response
A panel examining FERC’s response to the D.C. Circuit’s Allegheny ruling evolved into an in-depth Q&A with acting General Counsel David Morenoff.
Hydrogen: 21st Century’s ‘Oil’?
Chances are good that hydrogen will be a big part of the story of the power industry’s efforts to reach net-zero carbon emissions.
‘Massive’ Clean Energy Stimulus Under Biden Likely
Congress’ first act under Joe Biden would likely be “massive” stimulus spending, including clean energy, to address the pandemic-induced recession.

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