July 30, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
Industry Eager for New Leadership on Tx, Climate
Panelists at gridCONNEXT's annual conference expressed hope that the incoming Biden administration will be able to advance renewables.
FERC Audit Finds ALLETE Overcharged Customers
FERC’s Office of Enforcement found that ALLETE overbilled its wholesale transmission customers through improper accounting practices.
Advocates Seek Bipartisan Support for Energy Efficiency
Decarbonization advocates said they hope energy efficiency is one issue that will attract bipartisan support in a narrowly divided Congress.
Offshore Wind Looks at Crowded Future in New England
Offshore wind growth challenges are starting to appear as several large projects move toward completion in the mid-2020s, officials said.
Vistra to Shut down Another Texas Coal Plant
Vistra said it would retire the Coleto Creek plant no later than 2027 because it would be too expensive to comply with latest EPA rules.
Officials Discuss Future of ISO-NE During Summit
Panelists, including ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie, discussed the future of the RTO on the last day of the New England Energy Summit.
Senate Confirms Christie, Clements to FERC
The U.S. Senate quickly confirmed Mark Christie and Allison Clements to FERC by voice vote, restoring the commission to full strength.
Overheard at NECA’s 19th Power Markets Conference
NECA held its 19th Power Markets Conference virtually, featuring three panels discussing the impacts of renewable energy integration.
Report: FERC Enforcement Actions down Sharply in FY20
FERC’s Office of Enforcement opened only six new investigations in FY 2020 and managed to get just $550,000 in penalties from the three it closed.
PG&E Faces ‘Enhanced Oversight’ by CPUC
The California PUC might implement the strict regimen of oversight and enforcement that PG&E agreed to last year as part of its bankruptcy plan.

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