July 22, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
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Debt Deal Weakens Odds for Increased FERC Siting Authority, Glick Tells EBA
Permitting provisions in the recent debt deal weaken the "momentum" for increased FERC transmission siting authority, says former FERC Chair Richard Glick.
Ameren Missouri
MISO Poised to Extend Missouri Coal Plant’s Life
MISO announced that it will likely be forced to renew the system support resource agreement of a Missouri coal plant for almost two more years.
FERC Sends Elliott Complaints Against PJM to Settlement Judge
FERC OK'd settlement judge procedures to resolve complaints that generators filed against PJM’s assessment of penalties for underperformance in December 2022.
Enel Green Energy
FERC Accepts SPP’s Planning Study Processes for TOs
FERC has approved SPP’s tariff revisions to its transmission planning process that establish new study processes for transmission-owning members.
Lawmakers, White House Promise More Work on Permitting After Debt Deal
Debt deal limits page counts and time on environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act, but other work remains, and frustrations surface.
FERC Approves New Rules to Enhance Battery Performance in CAISO
FERC on Thursday approved energy storage and reliability improvement rules that help ensure CAISO will be able to meet needs.
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PJM Capacity Auction Weeks away with No Answer on Delay
PJM is weeks away from the scheduled date for the 2025/26 Base Residual Auction without an order from FERC on whether it will be permitted to delay the auction.
Sandia National Laboratories
Long-duration Energy Storage Seen as Key to Future Grid
Industry and Department of Energy experts say long-duration energy storage is key to growing renewable energy and fixing the new transmission project backlog.
WEIM Wins FERC OK for Resource Sufficiency Changes
FERC approved changes to WEIM's resource sufficiency evaluation, including allowing transfers to members that fail to meet their RSE obligations.
Minesweeper, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Approves PG&E’s Proposal to Spin off Generation
FERC approves Pacific Gas and Electric’s transaction to spin off its non-nuclear generation — more than 5,000 MW — to new subsidiary Pacific Generation.

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