FERC & Federal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities.
Work on the Democrats’ $2 trillion climate and social spending package came to a screeching halt as Sen. Joe Manchin said he could not vote for the bill.
FERC ruled in three SPP dockets involving Tenaska, NorthWestern Energy and Nebraska Public Power District and Tri-State Generation and Transmission.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals said FERC erred in basing its decision on CAISO capacity procurement payments on a prior ruling.
In its final meeting of 2021, the New Jersey BPU moved ahead with actions to put more EV chargers in minority and low-income communities.
FERC refused to appoint an individual to oversee discovery in an ongoing dispute over Entergy’s decommissioning deduction for its Grand Gulf nuclear station.
FERC approved a rule to improve hydro dam safety by instituting a program of two-tier inspections performed by teams with site-specific expertise.
Texas regulators on Thursday pushed ahead with a market re-design strawman, issuing directives to ERCOT to work with PUC staff in implementing the changes.
FERC accepted PJM tariff changes covering non-rate provisions for black start service, including commitment and termination periods.
FERC opened an inquiry over whether utility customers should pay for dues of trade associations that seek policies that may be contrary to consumers’ interests.
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee approved the Bay State Wind project’s request to increase its capacity by 40 MW, reflecting a move to larger turbines.
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