March 13, 2025

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
Electricities of North Carolina
FERC Orders Negotiations in Duke-Muni Contract Dispute
FERC conditionally approved changes to Duke's contract with municipal utilities in N.C. but ordered negotiations over how demand charges are calculated.
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ERCOT’s Legal Issues Continue to Mount
Texas’ Fifth District Court of Appeals in a 12-1 ruling found that ERCOT’s sovereign immunity claim has no basis in state law.
Energy Bar Weighs OSW in Oregon, California
New wind areas off the Oregon coast could lead to regional transmission planning with California, panelists told the EBA's Western Chapter.
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Supreme Court Hears Arguments on EPA Authority over GHGs
The Supreme Court’s liberals defended EPA’s power to issue “beyond-the-fence-line” rules on power plants in a challenge by the coal industry and 20 states.
FERC Approves PJM Capacity Auction Date Changes
FERC approved PJM's revised schedule for the upcoming Base Residual Auctions, incremental auctions and the associated pre-auction deadlines.
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FERC Doubles down to Deny Killingly Rehearing
FERC issued an order affirming its decision to deny rehearing to NTE Energy on the termination of the company’s capacity supply obligation for Killingly.
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FERC Approves Pause of PJM Transmission Constraint Penalty Factor in Virginia
FERC approved a temporary halt to PJM’s transmission constraint penalty factor rules in Virginia’s Northern Neck peninsula.
FERC Reverses Itself on NYISO BSM Exemptions
FERC accepted revisions to NYISO’s buyer-side market power mitigation measures designed to prioritize evaluating New York state-subsidized resources.
NARUC Transmission Panel: Leave No Megawatt Behind
State regulators face the conundrum of how to get more clean energy on already congested power lines; a NARUC Winter Policy Summit panel offered some answers.
Overheard at NARUC Winter Policy Summit 2022
Much of the talk at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit was about the $62.5 billion the DOE received under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

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