September 10, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
Perry Hints DOE Won’t Grant FES ‘Emergency’ Request
Energy Secretary Rick Perry indicated he was not likely to declare an emergency to keep FirstEnergy Solutions’ (FES) struggling power plants operating.
Deepwater Wind
Interior Plans Would Boost Mass., NY Offshore Wind
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced two new proposed offshore wind leases for Massachusetts, while BOEM issued a call for commercial interest in the New York Bight.
U.S. Coast Guard
Wisconsin Transmission Picks up Slack After Upper Peninsula Outage
MISO began using Wisconsin transmission to deliver electricity to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula after the failure of two ATC submarine cables.
FERC Investigation Shows PSEG Violated PJM Bidding Rules
FERC said that a preliminary investigation indicates that PSEG committed multiple violations of PJM market-bidding rules and made “false and misleading statements” to RTO staff.
Developers, Tx Providers Seek Direction on ‘Affected Systems’
Generation developers and transmission providers called for more direction from FERC to improve coordination of “affected system” studies.
UPDATE: FES Seeks Bankruptcy, DOE Emergency Order
FirstEnergy Solutions filed for bankruptcy Saturday, two days after asking Energy Secretary Rick Perry to issue an emergency order directing PJM to compensate coal-fired and nuclear power plants.
Southwestern Power Administration
FERC Approves Rate Reductions for SWPA Customers
FERC approved SPP’s proposed Tariff revisions reducing network service charges for customers in Southwestern Power Administration’s (SWPA) pricing zone.
States, Utilities, RTOs Push Back on Storage Order
Stakeholders filed comments on FERC Order 841, which required RTOs and ISOs to allow energy storage resources full access to their markets.
Ky. Rejects AEP Supplemental Tx Project
The Kentucky PSC rejected Kentucky Power's supplemental transmission project to make upgrades at two of its substations, citing FERC's ruling on PJM's stakeholder processes.
UPDATED — Second Thoughts: FERC May Revoke Marketers’ Tariff
FERC rejected a proposed power and gas tariff filed by the North American Energy Markets Association (NAEMA) and indicated it is likely to revoke the group’s capacity and energy tariff.

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