September 9, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
NEPOOL Alone in Support for Press, Public Ban
The New England Power Pool’s proposal to codify its ban on press was attacked by consumer advocates, environmental groups and press advocates.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
7th Circuit Upholds Ill. ZEC Program
Illinois’ nuclear generation subsidies do not interfere with FERC-regulated wholesale power markets, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled.
FERC, NERC to Probe January Outages in MISO South
FERC and NERC are conducting a joint inquiry into the January cold snap that resulted in generation outages in MISO South.
EEI White Paper Calls for End to `Pancaked’ Rate Cases
The Edison Electric Institute has released a white paper that proposes raising the hurdles for those challenging transmission owners’ returns on equity.
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‘Almost Nobody is Happy’ with Capacity Markets at Conference
Public power representatives reiterated their case against mandatory capacity markets, teaming with renewable advocates for a one-day conference.
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Overheard at Future Power Markets Conference
The 80 attendees who attended the inaugural Future Power Markets Summit in D.C. heard discussions on grid modernization and decentralization.
McIntyre Defends FERC Chief of Staff Pugliese
FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre has defended Chief of Staff Anthony Pugliese, saying his controversial remarks did not reflect commission policy.
Wood, Brownell: Unaware of Press Ban When OK’d NEPOOL
The FERC commissioners who approved NEPOOL as ISO-NE’s stakeholder body in 2004 were unaware at the time that it barred the press from its meetings.
WAPA to Divide RC Services Between CAISO, SPP
WAPA said its Sierra Nevada region will go with CAISO for RC services, while its Rocky Mountain and Desert Southwest regions will go with SPP.
FERC OKs Delay of PJM Capacity Auction
FERC has granted the PJM request to delay its annual Base Residual Auction to Aug. 14-28, 2019.

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