September 9, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
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Methane Tax Suggested to Reduce Emissions
Methane emissions might be reduced by making them part of the carbon markets, panelists said at a forum hosted by The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy.
UPDATED: Chatterjee Dodges as DOE Spins on Coal Bailout
FERC Commissioner Neil Chatterjee and Assistant Department of Energy Secretary Bruce Walker pledged to continue their work on grid resilience.
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Familiar Winter Story: ISO-NE Braces for Gas Shortages
Most RTOs say they are ready for winter but the possibility of fuel shortages during an extended cold spell is keeping ISO-NE officials up at night.
FERC Upholds Michigan Dam Closure over Safety Fears
FERC said that it will not delay its decision to shut down Michigan's Edenville Dam hydropower dam over safety violations.
FERC Finalizes Supply Chain Standards
FERC approved reliability standards for mitigating supply chain risks in industrial control system hardware, software and computing and networking services.
FERC Changing ROE Rules; Higher Rates Likely
FERC signaled a major change in how it sets transmission owners' return on equity rates; no longer relying solely on the discounted cash flow model.
PJM CEO Ott Briefs Senate Committee on Black Start
PJM CEO Andy Ott emphasized the importance of fuel diversity for grid resilience to U.S. senators, but he cautioned against government intervention.
RTO Insider: NEPOOL Can’t ‘Have it Both Ways’ on Press Ban
RTO Insider responded to NEPOOL’s answer to protests that joined the publication in calling for open stakeholder meetings.
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Trump Nominates DOE’s McNamee to FERC
President Trump nominated the Department of Energy’s Bernard McNamee to replace former FERC Commissioner Robert Powelson.
New NERC Chief Not ‘Smartest Guy in the Room’
NERC CEO Jim Robb spoke to reporters in D.C. about his priorities for the organization, including increasing staff for the E-ISAC.

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