September 9, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
MISO Tariff Changes Target Cybersecurity Data Sharing
MISO has drafted proposed Tariff changes that would allow it to share more information on significant cyberattacks with the federal government.
Nearing 1-Year Mark, Glick Rejects ‘National Security’ Grid Risk
FERC Commissioner Richard Glick reiterated his opposition to the Trump administration’s efforts to protect coal and nuclear generation.
PSEG, GridLiance Spar over Order 1000
The Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum featured a debate over FERC Order 1000 and a discussion of return on equity incentive adders.
FERC Again Denies MISO Wind Developers’ Queue Complaint
FERC rejected rehearing requests from wind developers who say MISO is moving too slowly for them to meet the PTC deadline.
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Overheard at EBA’s Mid-Year Energy Forum
The Energy Bar Association’s Mid-Year Energy Forum featured debates over FERC Order 1000, state-federal jurisdiction, rate structures and PURPA.
Returning Chair Pledges to Protect FERC’s Independence
FERC Chairman Chatterjee met with reporters at commission headquarters in D.C., where he praised Commissioner Kevin McIntyre's tenure as chair.
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Overheard at OMS 2018 Annual Meeting
The Organization of MISO States reflected on its 15 years of existence and looked ahead to how its member states can best accommodate an evolving grid.
Public Affairs Activism: Astroturf, Secret Donors and ‘Swampetition’
RTO Insider's Rich Heidorn Jr. takes readers into the murky world of public affairs activism, “Astroturf” lobbying and “swampetition."
McIntyre Steps Down; Chatterjee Named FERC Chair
President Trump announced that he has appointed FERC Commissioner Neil Chatterjee to replace Chair Kevin McIntyre, who will stay on as a commissioner.
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SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: Oct. 18, 2018
SPP Board of Directors Chair Larry Altenbaumer unveiled a proposal to reduce the number of face-to-face meetings and add more executive sessions.

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