September 8, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
NERC Chief: No ‘Appetite’ for Expanding Authority
NERC CEO Jim Robb said he sees no “appetite” among policymakers for expanding the organization’s authority despite concerns over the visibility of distributed energy resources.
Judge Sides with PGE over FERC in PPA Dispute
A U.S. district court judge sided with PG&E Corp. in declining to withdraw the utility’s jurisdictional dispute with FERC over power purchase agreements from bankruptcy court.
Courts Misread Hughes on Nuke Subsidies, Supreme Court Told
Merchant generators’ Hail Mary pass for a U.S. Supreme Court review of Illinois and New York nuclear subsidies has won support from PJM’s Independent Market Monitor and others.
RTO Insider Reporter Admitted to NEPOOL
The New England Power Pool voted to admit RTO Insider correspondent Michael Kuser as an End User member under strict rules that prevent him from reporting publicly on what he hears in meetings.
Murkowski and Manchin: Ds, Rs Can Work Together on Climate
Senators Lisa Murkowski and Joe Manchin called for bipartisan, practical solutions to climate change at CERAWeek by IHS Markit.
Wheeler: EPA’s Proposed Budget Cut ‘Common-sense’
EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler defended the Trump administration’s proposed 31% cut to his agency’s budget, saying it’s a “common-sense budget proposal.”
Overheard at Transmission Summit East 2019
Transmission developers, planners and regulators gathered at the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, Va., for Infocast’s annual Transmission Summit East.
Senate ENR Committee Discusses Climate Change
The hearing the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee held Tuesday was perhaps less noteworthy for what was said than the fact it even happened.
Wheeler Confirmed to EPA on 52-47 Vote
The Senate confirmed former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler as EPA administrator on a 52-47 vote.
NEPOOL Seeks Rehearing on Press Ban Order
The New England Power Pool indicated it won’t let reporters into its meetings without a fight, asking FERC to reconsider its order rejecting a press ban.

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