September 7, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
Talen Energy to Pay $1M for Violating Clean Water Act
Talen Energy agreed to pay a $1 million fine after toxic waste from its Brunner Island plant seeped into groundwater and the nearby Susquehanna River.
FERC Could Face Months with 3 Commissioners
With the U.S. Senate bolting for a five-week recess, it’s becoming apparent FERC will be operating with only three commissioners until at least September.
Stakeholders Best Commissioners in NARUC ‘Family Feud’
Commissioners were pitted against industry stakeholders in an energy-themed “Family Feud” that capped off the 2019 NARUC Summer Policy Summit.
Former Commissioners Debate Tx Incentive Revamp
Regulators should preserve the multiple incentives currently offered to transmission developers, former FERC commissioners said.
FERC Reduces MBRA Data Requirements
FERC reduced paperwork for electricity sellers with market-based rate authority, while Commissioner Richard Glick dissented on connected entities.
PG&E Deserves $30M ISO Adder, FERC Says
FERC reaffirmed that Pacific Gas & Electric participates voluntarily in CAISO and qualifies for hefty financial incentives to remain in the ISO.
FERC Heaps Praise on Departing LaFleur
Current and former colleagues gathered at FERC headquarters to praise departing Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur, whose term ends Aug. 31.
FERC Staff Hear Doubts on ISO-NE Fuel Security Plan
New England regulators and stakeholders told FERC they fear ISO-NE’s fuel security proposal could increase costs without solving winter supply concerns.
States, Public Power Challenge FERC Storage Rule
State regulators, utilities and public power groups asked an appeals court to overturn part of FERC’s landmark rule on energy storage.
FERC Proposes $6.8M Fine for CAISO Market Manipulation
FERC ordered Vitol and a senior trader to show cause why they should not be fined for manipulating CAISO’s market to limit losses on the company’s CRRs,

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