September 7, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
FERC Shuffles Enforcement Staff, Disbands DEMO
FERC has shifted several employees out of its Office of Enforcement, eliminating the office’s Division of Energy Market Oversight.
Renewable Backers Decry Vineyard Wind Delay
New England renewable energy advocates are skeptical of federal officials’ claims to be acting in the public interest by delaying the Vineyard Wind project.
FERC Considering Tx Line Rating Rules
FERC staff held a technical conference to receive input on dynamic and ambient-adjusted line ratings, including whether they should be required.
Michigan PSC Settlement Resolves PURPA Clashes
The Michigan PSC approved a settlement between Consumers Energy and solar developers, resolving arguments over the utility’s obligations under PURPA.
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UPDATED: LaFleur Elected to ISO-NE Board
Former FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur was elected to the ISO-NE Board of Directors. Re-elected were Directors Barney Rush and Vickie VanZandt.
Glick Recusal May Mean No MOPR Ruling Before December
FERC may be unable to issue a ruling on PJM's capacity market rules before December, further complicating matters for the RTO and market participants.
PG&E and Insurers Agree to Settle Wildfire Claims
PG&E [NYSE:PCG] announced it had reached an $11B settlement agreement with nearly all the insurers trying to recoup their payments to victims of wildfires.
FERC Sends DER Data Request to RTOs
FERC is asking the RTOs for information on aggregated DER portfolios in their wholesale markets, the first significant movement in over a year.
PG&E Offers $16.9B for Wildfire Claims in Chap. 11 Filing
PG&E Corp. [NYSCE:PCG] filed a reorganization plan in U.S. Bankruptcy Court that includes $16.9 billion to pay for wildfire claims.
PJM Content with IMM Role after Fuel-cost Policy Ruling
PJM has backed off its suggestions that FERC revisit Order 719 and the relationship between RTOs and their Market Monitors.

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