September 7, 2024

FERC & Federal

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
Overheard at Renewable Energy Vermont 2019
State officials and renewable energy advocates attended the Renewable Energy Vermont conference where they described their efforts to combat climate change.
UPDATED: Court Waives Ohio Preregistration Law
Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts took its ballot referendum battle to federal court, accusing supporters of the state’s nuclear subsidies of bribery.
PG&E Announces Massive Shutdown to Prevent Wildfires
The escalating battle between bondholders and shareholders to control PG&E (NYSE:PCG) when it exits bankruptcy played out before Judge Dennis Montali.
Coal States Press FERC on Resilience Docket
Public utility commissions from coal-producing states are urging FERC to finish its docket opened in January 2018 to solicit information on grid resilience.
Overheard at Baker Institute’s Energy Transition Summit
The Baker Institute Center for Energy Studies hosted its third annual energy summit, “The Energy Transition: Legacy, Scale and Technology,” in Houston.
EVs Could Soak up Solar or Exacerbate ‘Duck Curve’
A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory study found increased adoption of EVs in California could alleviate or exacerbate the state's duck curve.
Dems, Enviros Upset Over Solo FERC Nomination
President Trump’s plan to fill the Republican seat on FERC while leaving a Democratic seat vacant isn’t playing well with Dems and environmental groups.
FERC Denies Rehearing over RTO Adders
FERC again upheld the RTO incentives it previously approved for Southern California Edison and PG&E, rejecting rehearing requests by California regulators.
Creditor Group Joins Call to End PG&E ‘Exclusivity’
A notable group of claimants has added its voice to the chorus of parties asking a judge to end PG&E’s exclusive right to offer a reorganization plan.
FERC General Counsel Tapped for Commission
President Trump announced he will nominate FERC General Counsel James Danly to fill the Republican vacancy left by the death of Kevin McIntyre.

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