July 3, 2024

ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee passed three nodal protocol revision requests to improve the ISO’s reliability-must-run procedures.
ERCOT Finds No Alternatives to Greens Bayou; RMR Rule Changes Advance
ERCOT will continue its reliability must-run agreement with NRG Energy’s Greens Bayou Unit 5 after a solicitation produced no viable alternatives.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs
ERCOT told its Technical Advisory Committee that it has drafted a revision to its planning guide requiring energy developers to notify the Department of Defense of any projects near military installations.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee rejected a request to allow economic dispatch of RMR units over the objections of the ISO’s  Monitor.
ERCOT Discusses Wind Integration at GCPA Luncheon
Wind energy is quickly becoming a dominant force in ERCOT’s resource mix, and the grid operator is making changes to address it.
TAC Cancels Meeting; Approves Measure on Reserves via Email Vote
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee held an email vote to unanimously approve a nodal operating guide revision request.
ERCOT Stakeholders Reject Ancillary Service Revisions
ERCOT members voted down the ISO’s attempt to salvage a revision request that would have replaced several ancillary services with new products.
Oversight of Smart Meter Data Debated at ERCOT
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee  continued the debate over who should be responsible for Texas’ largely unused smart meter monitoring website.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee endorsed a recommendation to increase the fuel adder factor for coal- and lignite-fired resources.
ERCOT Tech Advisory Committee Briefs
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee approved staff’s recommendation to add 200 MW of responsive reserve service.

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