Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT)
The PUCT granted the Lubbock Power & Light request to delay a decision on who will pay for studies related to their planned move to the ERCOT grid.
NextEra Energy has won FERC approval to acquire Oncor, but is still facing questions from the PUCT and calls for more protections from stakeholders.
The PUCT wrapped up its 2016 open meeting schedule Friday by approving a rulemaking on interconnection agreements for distributed generation.
The PUCT approved a preliminary order outlining numerous issues NextEra Energy and Oncor must address, while also approving AEP's consolidation.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) scheduled hearing dates on the NextEra - Oncor merger while punting on various other matters.
Having finally chased down Oncor, NextEra Energy (NYSE:NEE) has embarked on a charm offensive to ensure it successfully completes its acquisition.
Texas regulators signed off on ERCOT’s plan to review its reliability standards and replace its loss-of-load expectation methodology for determining its reserve margin with one based on economics.
Jorge Bermudez has resigned from one of five unaffiliated positions on the ERCOT Board of Directors after his recent marriage triggered a conflict of interest.
NextEra Energy (NYSE:NEE) sought to assure the PUCT that they won’t be constrained in their review of the company’s agreement to purchase Oncor.
The PUCT accepted a proposal from ERCOT and SPP staff on coordinating their separate studies on Lubbock Power & Light’s planned move.
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