September 5, 2024


The Electric Reliability Council of Texas manages the flow of electric power to about 90 percent of the state’s electric load. The nonprofit independent system operator is governed by a board of directors and is subject to oversight by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Texas Legislature.
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Texas PUC Sets Hearing Schedule for NextEra-Oncor Merger
The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) scheduled hearing dates on the NextEra - Oncor merger while punting on various other matters.
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Overheard at the TREIA GridNEXT Conference
Almost 150 renewable energy industry representatives gathered in for the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance’s (TREIA) GridNEXT conference.
Texas Renewables Unfazed by Trump Energy Policies
The Texas Renewable Industry gathered at TREIA's GridNEXT conference and shrugged over the expected impact of a Trump presidency.
NextEra Energy Talks Up its Oncor Acquisition
Having finally chased down Oncor, NextEra Energy (NYSE:NEE) has embarked on a charm offensive to ensure it successfully completes its acquisition.
ERCOT Expects Ample Energy for Winter, Spring
The latest ERCOT seasonal forecasts indicate the ISO will continue to have more than enough generation capacity to meet demand into next summer.
CenterPoint Energy Fine-Tunes its Gas Businesses
CenterPoint Energy (NYSE:CNP) continues to focus on gas even as its regulated electric business contributed to a strong 3rd quarter earnings report.
ERCOT Maps out Plan for Changing Reserve Margin Methodology
Texas regulators signed off on ERCOT’s plan to review its reliability standards and replace its loss-of-load expectation methodology for determining its reserve margin with one based on economics.
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ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs
ERCOT staff told the Technical Advisory Committee it is preparing a proposal to map registered distributed generation units and a white paper on DER.
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ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs
The ERCOT Board of Directors last week approved three rule changes related to its reliability-must-run processes.
ERCOT Briefs
Jorge Bermudez has resigned from one of five unaffiliated positions on the ERCOT Board of Directors after his recent marriage triggered a conflict of interest.

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