March 18, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Berkshire Denied Rehearing on EIM Market Power
FERC upheld a decision that prohibits two companies’ generating units from offering energy into the Western EIM at prices above default energy bids.
CAISO EIM Boosts Market for Renewables in Q1
The expanded western EIM provided California a new outlet for surplus renewables, according to CAISO.
Stakeholders Wary of CAISO Contingency Modeling
CAISO stakeholders expressed misgivings and confusion about a new issue paper exploring contingency modeling.
PacifiCorp Offers Lessons for Future EIM Participants
PacifiCorp says future participants in the CAISO EIM forum will benefit from early lessons the company learned attempting to integrate.
Idaho Power Inks Agreement to Join Western EIM
Idaho Power signed an agreement with CAISO to become the sixth utility to join the western Energy Imbalance Market.
FERC Eliminates Intertie Convergence Bids in CAISO
FERC approved a request by CAISO to eliminate from its Tariff a provision establishing convergence bidding at scheduling points on the interties into Ca.
NV Energy has Smooth EIM Integration, CAISO Says
NV Energy had a smooth integration into the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), CAISO said.
FERC Allows CAISO EIM to Identify Adjacent Capacity
CAISO told FERC that its software’s inability to recognize available balancing capacity was creating false scarcity in the market.

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