March 16, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Sacramento Utility to Join EIM; Other BANC Members May Follow
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District will join the CAISO EIM and other members of the Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC) may follow.
More Work Needed on Western RTO Proposal, Stakeholders Say
More changes are needed to the CAISO proposed rules for a Western RTO to win approval from the states in which PacifiCorp operates, stakeholders say.
Mexico’s Grid Operator to Explore Participation in EIM
CENACE and CAISO announced an agreement to explore the benefits of having Baja California Norte join the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
CAISO Seeks Process to Keep EIM, Governing Body in the Policy Loop
CAISO is seeking ways to ensure that the EIM governing body and participants, havea say in ISO policies that affect the EIM.
QA: Western Resource Advocates Sees Benefits from Western RTO
Environmental group Western Resource Advocates was an early proponent of CAISO’s Energy Imbalance Market and is actively supporting the ISO’s effort to transform itself into an RTO serving the broader West.
Latest CAISO Proposal Fills out Western RTO Governance Plan
CAISO last week released the third draft of a proposal outlining the principles intended to underpin the governing framework for a Western RTO.
Smooth EIM Transition for Arizona Public Service, Puget Sound Energy
The entry of Arizona Public Service and Puget Sound Energy into the Western Energy Imbalance Market went off without a hitch, according to CAISO.
EBA Speakers Ponder a Western RTO
Western energy execs discussed the growth of the EIM, a Western RTO, “Caliphopia” and how the Western Interconnection is likely to change.
Arizona Public Service, Puget Sound Energy Begin Trading in EIM
Arizona Public Service and Puget Sound Energy began transacting in the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) on Oct. 1, bringing the region’s only real-time market up to five members.
FERC OKs Ramping Product for CAISO, EIM
FERC approved the CAISO plan to for a new market mechanism for itself and the Western EIM designed to integration of variable renewable energy resources.

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