March 18, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Seattle City Light Signs EIM Membership Agreement
Seattle City Light has signed an agreement with CAISO to begin participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Market in April 2019.
Increased Transfer Capacity Reducing EIM Congestion
Increased transfer capacity is keeping a lid on congestion in the EIM and limiting participants’ ability to wield market power, according to CAISO’s IMM.
CAISO Monitor Proposes Fixes for EIM Market Power Concerns
The CAISO internal Monitor is proposing new enforcement measures to address market power concerns in the Energy Imbalance Market.
EIM Leaders OK Governance ‘Guidance’ Proposal
The Western Energy Imbalance Market governing body voted to implement procedures to ensure market participants have input into CAISO policy initiatives.
Tucson Electric Could See Loss of Market Rate Authority in its BAA
Tucson Electric could become the latest Western utility to lose authorization to sell electricity at market-based rates within its balancing authority area.
UPDATE: Council OKs Seattle City Light Bid to Explore Joining EIM
The Seattle City Council authorized Seattle City Light to conduct a cost-benefit analysis on joining the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
PacifiCorp Increases Share of EIM Benefit in Q3
PacifiCorp reaped well more than half the $26.16 million in gross benefits yielded by the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) in the third quarter, CAISO said.
Foes Narrow Differences at FERC Summit on EIM Bidding
Last week's FERC technical conference on the EIM began on a contentious note but concluded with participants understanding each others’ perspectives.
SMUD to Join EIM in Spring 2019 at the Earliest
The Sacramento Municipal Utilities District (SMUD) will join the Western EIM in spring 2019 at the earliest, according to the head of BANC.
CAISO Planners Looking Ahead to Summer 2017 Solar Eclipse
CAISO is seeking stakeholder input on how to respond to a solar eclipse that will significantly curtail output from California’s growing solar generation portfolio next August.

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