Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)
CAISO has signed a transmission agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration designed to facilitate Energy Imbalance Market transfers.
The unpredictability of cloud cover, which can cause sharp and sudden drops in solar production, creates a challenge for load forecasting in the EIM.
Stakeholders and EIM Governing Body members gathered in Las Vegas to express their support for the CAISO-created Regional Issues Forum.
The balancing area for the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District signed an agreement allowing SMUD to join the Western EIM in 2019.
FERC said it will give CAISO more time to address its concerns over intertie bidding at the borders of the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
Participants in the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) should not rely on it to reduce their capacity requirements, CAISO cautioned.
Members of the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) saw increased savings and profits with the addition of Puget Sound Energy and APS.
The Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) experienced a “dramatic uptick” in failed ramping capacity tests in November and December, the CAISO IMM reported.
CAISO rang in 2016 with a strong push to expand its EIM into PacifiCorp’s sprawling service territory, but the project hit a stumbling block by mid-year.
The Western Energy Imbalance Market featured prominently in two proposals approved by the CAISO Board of Governors during its Dec. 15 meeting.
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