March 18, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

RTO Officials Tout Market Benefits, Encourage Regulator Scrutiny
Panelists discussed the CAISO Energy Imbalance Market at the annual meeting of the Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners.
CAISO EIM Exports Rise with Spring, Report Shows
EIM transfers out of CAISO were on the upswing in March, re-establishing a pattern first seen last spring with California’s growing solar surpluses.
CAISO Board OKs Black Start, TAC Area, EIM Charter Measures
The CAISO Board of Governors approved Tariff measures that will enable the ISO to procure additional black start resources in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Salt River Project Signs on to Become 9th EIM Participant
Salt River Project signed an agreement with CAISO that puts the utility on track to join with the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) in April 2020.
Spring Oversupply Lifts CAISO Curtailments
CAISO is curtailing an increasing volume of renewable generation this spring as the ISO sees its “duck curve” already dipping to levels forecast in 2021.
EIM Governing Body OKs Charter Expansion; Retains Schmidt
EIM Governing Body members approved a measure that would give them increased power to make changes to the market’s governing charter.
EIM Panel Backs Schmidt for 2nd Governing Body Term
The Energy Imbalance Market nominating committee is recommending that Kristine Schmidt be reappointed to the market’s Governing Body.
Western Regulators Supportive of EIM Charter Changes
Western state utility commissioners expressed support for providing the CAISO EIM Governing Body with increased authority.
Stakeholders Advance on Western Regional Forum Proposal
Participants in a forum created by CAISO to discuss EIM issues and want to move quickly to complete an evaluation that will shape the group’s role.
EIM Charter Changes Would Give Governing Body More Power
CAISO management is proposing to amend the EIM charter to explicitly provide the market’s Governing Body with a voice in any future governance changes.

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