California Energy Commission (CEC)
As some data center operators plan to power their facilities with onsite generation, one researcher a California Energy Commission workshop suggested it might be better to get electricity from the grid instead.
A workshop on the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has sparked praise for the proposal as well as concerns, including uneasiness over plans to share staffing between CAISO and a new regional organization that would govern Western electricity markets.
CAISO peak demand will grow from 48.3 GW in 2024 to about 68 GW in 2040, according to a new forecast that attributes much of the increase to data center load.
State energy officials are “cautiously optimistic” about maintaining grid reliability during the upcoming summer, with California poised to benefit from above-normal snowpack and precipitation coupled with the probability of mild conditions in its coastal regions.
CAISO released a draft transmission plan identifying 26 new transmission projects aimed at accelerating California’s ability to meet its ambitious clean energy goals and costing an estimated $6.1 billion.
Slower anticipated growth in California’s population has prompted state regulators to downwardly revise the electricity demand forecast used for grid planning.
The bill to accelerate development of new transmission lines passed the state Senate on a vote of 36-0 and is now headed for the lower house.
Western regulators heard from a power panel of CEOs on maintaining grid reliability in the face of fires, storms, extreme heat and supply chain disruptions.
CAISO's Board of Governors approved a redesigned transmission plan that focuses on high-priority projects amid a crush of interconnection requests.
A California Energy Commission workshop examined the difficulties of connecting vast quantities of clean energy resources to the bulk electric system by 2045.
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