January 1, 2025


The California Independent System Operator serves about 80% of California's electricity demand, including the service areas of the state's three investor-owned utilities. It also operates the Western Energy Imbalance Market, an interstate real-time market covering territory that accounts for 80% of the load in the Western Interconnection.
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New Western Tx Could Bring Big CO2 Benefits, Study Shows
CO2 emissions from the Western U.S. power sector could drop by 73% from 2005 levels if 12 transmission projects in the development pipeline are finished by 2030, according to a new PNNL study.
CAISO Backtracks on Proposal to Refine Battery BCR
CAISO is reconsidering its proposal to address unwarranted bid cost recovery payments for storage resources following internal analysis that suggested the proposed solution wouldn’t sufficiently address the problem.
Electricity Canada
Consumer Response Saved Alberta Grid During Jan. 2024 Cold Snap
An emergency alert urging the public to conserve energy helped the Alberta Electric System Operator narrowly avert rolling blackouts during January’s extreme cold snap.
NV Energy
BLM OKs NV Energy’s Greenlink West Line

The Bureau of Land Management issued a record of decision approving the 470-mile transmission line, which will connect Las Vegas with the northern part of Nevada and be capable of transmitting up to 4,000 MW of energy.

FERC Approves $3B BlackRock Deal for Global Infrastructure LLCs
FERC approved a deal in which BlackRock would buy all the limited liability company interests in Global Infrastructure Management for $3 billion in cash and 12 million shares of BlackRock Funding.
JPxG, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
CAISO Interconnection Enhancements Proposal Still in Flux

The issue of how to allocate transmission plan deliverability for projects with long lead-time network and reliability upgrades remained the center of discussion at a CAISO Interconnection Process Enhancements Working Group meeting.

Travel Portland
BPA to Fund Phase 2 of Markets+, Agency Exec Says
The Bonneville Power Administration plans to contribute its full share of funding for Phase 2 of SPP’s Markets+, an executive with the federal power agency has said.
Stefan Andrej Shambora, CC BY-2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
WestTEC Committee OKs Plan for ‘Actionable’ Tx Study

The WestTEC steering committee unanimously approved the plan that will underpin a Western transmission study designed to spur development of interregional projects over the next two decades.

Collaboration Key to Managing Growing Western Load, Panelists Say
Collaboration among stakeholders will be crucial to maintaining Western grid reliability in the face of increasing demand posed by large loads such as new data centers, speakers said during a webinar hosted by WECC.
Bonneville Power Administration
‘Leaning’ Evident in BPA Response to NW Senators
CAISO’s adoption of the Pathways Initiative’s “Step 1” changes won't overcome BPA’s objections to the governance of the ISO’s EDAM, Administrator John Hairston told U.S. senators from the Pacific Northwest.

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