July 8, 2024


The California Independent System Operator serves about 80% of California's electricity demand, including the service areas of the state's three investor-owned utilities. It also operates the Western Energy Imbalance Market, an interstate real-time market covering territory that accounts for 80% of the load in the Western Interconnection.
Palm Springs Nissan
Calif. EV Incentive Comes with Tax Bill, Some Residents Find
Low-income residents in certain parts of California are finding their EV incentives are accompanied by a tax liability.
National Forest Service
PG&E Ends Probation as a ‘Menace to California,’ Judge Says
PG&E ended five years of probation, but the judge in charge of the case said the utility remains a danger to Californians in high fire-threat areas.
Wines of Washington State
Dueling Bills Have Different Takes on Wash. Siting Council
Two Washington bills seek opposite outcomes for the state’s Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council.
San Francisco Wins Against FERC, PG&E in DC Circuit
The D.C. Circuit overruled FERC in cases brought by San Francisco against the commission and PG&E, which the city said refused to provide required service.
©RTO Insider LLC
CAISO Extends Wheel-through Rules
CAISO's Board of Governors extended controversial wheel-through restrictions for two more years as the ISO works on a long-term fix to transmission constraints.
©RTO Insider LLC
Oregon PUC Advances Wildfire Rulemaking Despite Utility Concerns
The Oregon PUC voted to move ahead with a proposal to amend utility wildfire mitigation plans despite concerns about joint inspections of utilities' poles.
©RTO Insider LLC
Oregon Study to Examine Prospects for Floating Offshore Wind
An upcoming study on the benefits and challenges of developing floating OSW will explore a range of topics to help inform Oregon state lawmakers.
Jimmy, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
Tri-State Reaches Settlement over Resource Plan
Tri-State G&T has reached a settlement with more than two dozen of its members over the first phase of its $21.3 billion plan to reduce GHG emissions.
California PUC Postpones Net Metering Plan
The California Public Utilities Commission won't take up a highly controversial rooftop solar plan on Jan. 27, as expected, after an outpouring of criticism.
West Cannot Rely on Imports, WECC Says
The West's reliance on imports could prove problematic during summer heat waves or when hydroelectric generation dries up because of drought, WECC said.

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