January 15, 2025


The California Independent System Operator serves about 80% of California's electricity demand, including the service areas of the state's three investor-owned utilities. It also operates the Western Energy Imbalance Market, an interstate real-time market covering territory that accounts for 80% of the load in the Western Interconnection.
Calif. Proposes World’s ‘Most Ambitious’ Climate Goals
California regulators released an updated net zero proposal that Gov. Gavin Newsom says will unleash an "economic transformation" in the state.
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CAISO Symposium Talks Western Transmission
CAISO held its Stakeholder Symposium for the first time since 2018 and weighed the transmission needs of the West to deliver renewable resources.
California PUC Revisits Net Metering Plan
The California Public Utilities Commission proposed a new net-metering scheme for rooftop solar after months of controversy over its prior plan to cut credits.
CAISO Finalizing Plan for WEIM EDAM
CAISO's draft final proposal for a day-ahead expansion of its Western Energy Imbalance Market is up for review this month, with a final plan due in December.
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Move-in Date Approaches for Calif. Microgrid Community
Residents will soon be moving into a new microgrid community in Southern California — a project that’s being called first of its kind in the state.
WEIM Q3 Benefits Top $500M, Near $3B Total
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market reached a record $526 million in benefits in Q3 and neared $3 billion in cumulative benefits since it started in 2014.
CAISO Reports on Summer Heat Wave Performance
CAISO said it avoided September blackouts through a combination of public conservation, imported electricity and coordination with utilities and agencies.
Multiple Seaports Needed to Support Calif. OSW Goals
California will need about 1,300 floating wind turbines and a range of supporting seaports to meet its ambitious offshore wind goals.
Risk from Variable Resources Increasing, WECC Says
WECC said the addition 80 GW of wind and solar resources to the Western grid in the next decade will require higher planning reserve margins than anticipated.
Pandemic Brings ‘Historic’ Decline to California GHGs in 2020
California’s GHG emissions dropped 8.7% in 2020, a decline that’s largely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report.

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