July 6, 2024


The California Independent System Operator serves about 80% of California's electricity demand, including the service areas of the state's three investor-owned utilities. It also operates the Western Energy Imbalance Market, an interstate real-time market covering territory that accounts for 80% of the load in the Western Interconnection.
Blue Lake Rancheria
California PUC Approves Microgrid Incentive Package
The CPUC approved funding and rules for its Microgrid Incentive Program, which helps build standalone power systems for communities vulnerable to outages.
Public Service Co. of New Mexico Joins WRAP
Public Service Co. of New Mexico joined the Western Power Pool's Western Resource Adequacy Program, bringing the number of participants to 22.
Western EIM Expands to Texas
Three new entities joined CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market, including El Paso Electric, which expanded the market into Texas for the first time.
CAISO Retools Transmission Plan for Reliability, Renewables
CAISO published its 2022-23 transmission plan, taking a new approach to prioritizing dozens of transmission projects for renewable resources and reliability.
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Will Income-tiered Fixed Costs Help California Decarbonize?
Panelists at the RE+ Northern California conference discussed utility rate design to lessen the impact of decarbonization and wildfire mitigation on ratepayers.
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Calif. Governor Appoints New CAISO Board Member
California Gov. Gavin Newsom appointed Lawrence Berkeley scientist Joseph Eto to fill a vacant seat on CAISO's five-member Board of Governors.
Environmental Defense Fund
Groundbreaking California Clean Truck Rules Win EPA Waiver
The EPA approved a waiver for California’s Advanced Clean Trucks regulation, clearing the way for the state to launch the zero-emission program.
California Bills Seek to Expedite Transmission Projects
Two new bills would expedite transmission projects by streamlining approval processes and shortening lawsuits so the state can meet its 100% clean energy goal.
Gov. Joe Lombardo
New Governor Seeks Shift in Nevada Energy Policy
Gov. Joe Lombardo announced an executive order outlining energy policies for his administration, including the state’s “advancement of energy independence.”
NV Energy
FERC Approves Greenlink Nevada Incentives
The agency approved a package of transmission rate incentives for NV Energy’s $2.5 billion Greenlink Nevada project.

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