October 9, 2024

RTO Insider

CAISO/WEIMCAISO Board of GovernorsCalifornia Agencies & LegislatureCalifornia Air Resources Board (CARB)California Energy Commission (CEC)California LegislatureCalifornia Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)EDAMOther CAISO CommitteesWestern Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)WEIM Governing BodyCompany NewsERCOTERCOT Board of DirectorsERCOT Other CommitteesERCOT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT)FERC & FederalISO-NEISO-NE Consumer Liaison GroupISO-NE Planning Advisory CommitteeNEPOOL Markets CommitteeNEPOOL Participants CommitteeNEPOOL Reliability CommitteeNEPOOL Transmission CommitteeMarketsAncillary ServicesCapacity MarketEnergy MarketReservesVirtual TransactionsMISOMISO Advisory Committee (AC)MISO Board of DirectorsMISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)MISO Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)MISO Regulatory Organizations & CommitteesOrganization of MISO States (OMS)MISO Reliability Subcommittee (RSC)MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)NYISONY PSCNYISO Business Issues CommitteeNYISO Management CommitteeNYISO Operating CommitteeOther NYISO CommitteesPJMPJM Board of ManagersPJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)PJM Operating Committee (OC)PJM Other Committees & TaskforcesPJM Planning Committee (PC)PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC)Public PolicyEnvironmental RegulationsReliabilityState & RegionalAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineManitobaMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandRTO-IndianaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingResourcesDemand ResponseDistributed Energy Resources (DER)Energy EfficiencyEnergy StorageBattery Electric StorageOther Electric StorageGenerationCoalGeothermalHydrogenHydropowerNatural GasNuclear PowerOffshore WindOnshore WindOperating ReservesRooftop/distributed SolarUtility-scale SolarResource AdequacySpecial Reports & CommentaryCommentaryConference CoverageOther CoverageSpecial ReportsSPPMarkets+Other SPP CommitteesSPP Board of Directors & Members CommitteeSPP Markets and Operations Policy CommitteeSPP Regional State CommitteeSPP Seams Advisory GroupSPP Strategic Planning CommitteeWestern Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS)SPP/WEISTransmissionFinancial Transmission Rights (FTR)Transmission OperationsTransmission PlanningTransmission Rates
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Northeast Stakeholders Discuss The Future of Alternative Fuels
The uncertain future of the region’s gas network loomed large over the course of the conference.
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Stakeholders: Pathway Initiative Offers ‘Fresh Look’ at Western Market
Western stakeholders expressed enthusiasm for the West-Wide Governance Pathway Initiative but called for more transparency in developing a regional market.
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FERC Rebuffs PJM, SPP on FTR Credit Rules

FERC remained dissatisfied with PJM’s and SPP’s FTR credit policies, while ending inquiries into those of CAISO, ISO-NE and NYISO.

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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Sept. 20, 2023
PJM's Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed issue charges, opening stakeholder discussions on generator deactivation timelines and a potential overhaul of the reserve markets during its Sept. 20 meeting.
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PJM Members Lobby Board Ahead of Expected CIFP Filing
PJM members recommended various avenues for the RTO's Board of Managers to consider as it weighs a possible FERC filing incorporating components of proposals made during the critical issue fast path process.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Beware of Government-driven Climate Policy
Can climate policy dominated by interest-group politics be in the public good?  What we have seen up to now says no, says regulatory economist Kenneth Costello.  
Potomac Economics
ERCOT IMM Raises Concerns over Newest Ancillary Service
ERCOT’s Independent Market Monitor says the grid operator’s recent implementation of its first ancillary service in 20 years has nearly doubled the amount of required online reserves.
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FERC OKs MISO Removal of Annual Reviews for Long-term Tx Projects
MISO is off the hook as far as having to conduct annual cost-benefit analyses for its major transmission projects, FERC has ruled.
NYISO Stakeholders Discuss Enhanced Regulations for Information Sharing
NYISO could tighten its security and information protection requirements, according to a presentation given to stakeholders at the TPAS/ESPWG meeting.
CrossingLights, CC-BY 4.0, via Wikimedia
FERC Directs J.P. Morgan to Declare Affiliations of Two Holding Firms
FERC issued an order that J.P. Morgan Investment Management qualified as an affiliate of Mankato Companies and IIF US Holding 2, through which it is tied to other firms including El Paso Electric.

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