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Employees of the Bonneville Power Administration received the same buyout offer from the Trump administration as millions of other federal workers — despite the agency's self-funding model.
The drive to build 765-kV lines in Texas continues to inch forward, with ERCOT and stakeholders working to provide enough information for regulators to reach a decision by May 1 on which voltage level would best meet demand.
BPA could face high implementation fees and operating costs under both SPP’s Markets+ and CAISO’s EDAM, but exact amounts are in flux.
As overall power production ticked up in New England in 2024, natural gas generation reached its highest annual total in the region’s history, accounting for over 55% of all generation and 51% of net energy for load, according to new data from ISO-NE.
MISO is pushing back a restart of its swamped generator interconnection queue by a few months while it tries to study through the backlog with tech company Pearl Street.
Participants at the United States Energy Association’s 2025 State of the Energy Industry Forum discussed topics such as demand growth, nuclear fusion and energy efficiency.
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee declined to support a compliance proposal from New England transmission owners for a recent FERC order preventing them from charging interconnection customers for operations and maintenance fees associated with network upgrades.
FERC rejected MISO’s attempt to implement a blanket, two-year extension of commercial operation dates for generation developers that entered the interconnection queue about seven years ago.
PJM announced it will seek to establish a $325/MW-day price cap on capacity prices and a $175/MW-day floor for the 2026/27 and 2027/28 Base Residual Auctions following discussions with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to resolve a complaint he filed over increased capacity costs.
California regulators have proposed new safety standards for battery energy storage systems following a series of incidents at the facilities, including a major fire at Vistra’s Moss Landing site.
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