September 7, 2024

State and Local Policy

Monarch Tractor
California Energy Commission Awards $46 Million for ZEV Manufacturing
The California Energy Commission awarded large grants to boost in-state production of electric tractors, forklifts, batteries and charging stations.
Port Authority NY NJ
JFK Airport Adding Solar/Fuel Cell Microgrid
New York’s JFK Airport is planning an 11.3-MW microgrid powered by solar and fuel cells to cut emissions and continue operations during power outages.
NYISO Slaps NextEra for Lobbying for OSW Tx Projects
NYISO rebuked NextEra Energy for attempting to lobby the grid operator to award it transmission projects to connect offshore wind projects to Long Island.
Stanford University
Panel Sees Vital Role for California Offshore Wind
More than 500 people tuned into a webinar on the future of offshore wind in California hosted by the state's Department of Natural Resources.
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New England States Group Up To Push For Federal Transmission Funding
The New England states united to seek federal funding to strengthen the region’s transmission to accommodate power from offshore wind projects and Canada.
CARB Examining Obstacles on Road to ZEV Fleet Adoption
As it moves to adopt a rule requiring truck fleets to transition to ZEVs, CARB considers situations where supporting infrastructure is unavailable.
Ben Schumin, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
Beacon Wind Draws Public Support at Power Line Hearing
Beacon Wind I drew unanimous public support during public hearings on the transmission line needed for the1,230-MW wind farm planned off the New York coast.
Dominion Energy
Dominion-backed Bill Promises Savings, but Comes with Strings
Dominion is backing a bill that critics say would limit Virginia regulators' ability to set its rates, while the utility says it would save consumers millions.
New York State Senate
Natural Gas Debate Heats up Hearing on CAC Scoping Plan
Members of the New York Climate Action Council continued the debate over the future of natural gas at a Senate hearing on implementing the CAC’s scoping plan.
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Wash. Bill Would Require Study on Wind Turbine Blade Disposal
Washington lawmakers have introduced a bill that would require a state study on disposing and recycling blades from wind turbines.

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