September 5, 2024

State and Local Policy

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From Whale Oil to Clean Hydrogen: NYC Takes Stock of the Energy Transition
Participants at New York Energy Week celebrated the progress the state and city have made toward decarbonization while acknowledging the challenges ahead.
New York PSC Calls for More Transmission for Long Island OSW
The PSC has called on NYISO to open its next PPTN with the goal of getting 6,000 MW of new transmission facilities in Long Island to facilitate the export of future offshore wind resources.
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ERCOT Sovereign Immunity Affirmed by Texas Supreme Court

The Texas Supreme Court on Friday narrowly affirmed ERCOT’s sovereign immunity, granting it protection against fraud claims and allegations of overpricing, and asserted the Public Utility Commission’s jurisdiction over the grid operator in a pair of rulings.

NE Stakeholders Debate Future of Everett at FERC Winter Gas-Elec Forum
FERC stakeholders debated winter reliability challenges in the Northeast, including the potential loss of the Everett LNG import terminal.
Gov. Jay Inslee
Washington Looks to Lead on Clean Aviation
Washington is expanding efforts to make the state a leader in emissions-free aviation, Gov. Jay Inslee signaled at the Paris Air Show this week.
TransWest Express
TransWest Express Transmission Line Breaks Ground
Developers held a ceremonial groundbreaking for the TransWest Express line, intended to carry 3 GW of wind power from Wyoming to California.
Moody’s Analytics
Moody’s: NY Evolved from the Pandemic, Challenges Ahead
New York faces a long list of challenges, including climate change and uncertainty in energy prices, according to Moody’s Analytics.
Washington Lawmakers Field Ideas on Shifting from Guzzlers to EVs
An engineering and consulting firm offered Washington state lawmakers on the Senate-House Joint Transportation Committee ideas on how to replace gas guzzlers with electric vehicles.
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DOE Under Secretary: Industrial Decarb Should Happen This Decade
DOE Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) Director David Crane is bringing decarbonization to the 2020s — and taking industry along.
NJ BPU Outlines $150M Building Decarbonization Plan
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has released a $50 million-a-year, three-year plan to cut building carbon emissions by prioritizing a shift from delivered fossil fuels to electric heat pumps.  

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