September 5, 2024

State and Local Policy

UC Davis
California Study to Delve into EV Charging Challenges
A three-year study by UC Davis will examine the wide range of problems EV drivers face when they visit public charging stations.
Constellation Gives Details on First-in-nation Pink Hydrogen Production
Constellation Energy gave an update on the hydrogen production demonstration project at one of its nuclear plants in New York.
California Duck Curve Getting Deeper
California's duck curve deepened to new levels this spring as solar capacity increased, at times exceeding demand, the Energy Information Administration said.
Checking in on Clean Energy at the Massachusetts Legislature
Legislative priorities in Massachusetts for climate and energy policy include expediting permitting and siting, gas system decarbonization, reducing electricity costs, and addressing the role of competitive electric suppliers.
ACORE Report Highlights Billions of Dollars in PJM’s Generator Queue
An ACORE report found billions of dollars that PJM's queue reforms could unlock in the next few years, but added that proactive transmission planning could lead to even more renewables and their associated benefits being added to the grid.
Calif. Governor, Lawmakers Agree on Infrastructure Bills
California Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders reached a budget deal that includes most of Newsom's controversial energy infrastructure bills.
NYISO to Comment on State’s Cap-and-invest Plan
NYISO will comment on New York's emissions-reduction and reporting policy, the cap-and-invest program.
NJ Building Decarb Plan Garners Support, Criticism
Recent public hearings provided mixed views on New Jersey's ambitious plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions from buildings through energy efficiency and electrification.
State of Maine
Maine Gov. Vetoes OSW Bill Over Labor Requirements
Gov. Mills says organized labor requirements would raise costs for ratepayers, put state at competitive disadvantage in developing offshore wind industry.
Clean Energy Bills Stack up in NJ Legislature
New Jersey lawmakers are considering a pile of proposed laws related to clean energy as the legislature nears its summer recess.

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