July 2, 2024

Public Service Commission

Enviros Ask NYPSC to Fast-track Electric Truck Charging
A group of environmental organizations petitioned the NYPSC to speed up the statewide buildout of charging infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty EVs.
NYPSC Tracks Clean Energy Progress, Questions Process
The New York Public Service Commission established a new regulatory proceeding to track efforts to meet the states' climate goals.
New York Utilities Report Slow Start to EV Fast Charging
New York’s IOUs reported a slow rollout of EV fast-charging stations under the state’s $701 million incentive program to build 50,000 stations by 2025.
Empire Wind
NY Offshore Wind Transmission Project Draws No Residential Comment
The first offshore transmission project in New York will run from Empire Wind 1 right under Brooklyn streets — and drew no comment from local residents.
New York Proposes Opt-out CDG Program
New York state officials issued a straw proposal for integrating community distributed generation into community choice aggregation on an opt-out basis.
New York Power Authority
NY Legislators Prioritize Planning for EV Charger Build-out
Four New York House of Representatives committees convened a hearing to identify existing EV charger deployment plans and ways to expedite the build-out.
NY Stakeholders, Residents Split on HVDC Tx Projects
New Yorkers were generally in support of the entirely in-state Clean Path NY transmission project and opposed to the line to import Canadian hydropower.
Western NY Dairy RNG Project Draws Opposition
Local residents, environmentalists and energy experts opposed a plan to convert dairy cow manure in New York to RNG and truck it 70 miles to a pipeline.
Con Ed to Refine $4B Offshore Transmission Plan for NYC
Con Edison must resolve several regulatory concerns before being authorized to build a new substation in New York City dedicated to interconnecting offshore wind projects.
NY Officials Approve Draft Climate Action Plan
New York officials on Monday approved a draft scoping plan that lays out the steps needed to achieve the emission limits set by the CLCPA.

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