September 29, 2024


NY Targets Bronx Neighborhood as Part of Clean Transit Program
Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the winners of funding from the state’s Clean Transportation Prizes program, including a project in the Bronx's Hunts Point.
NY Officials Approve Draft Climate Action Plan
New York officials on Monday approved a draft scoping plan that lays out the steps needed to achieve the emission limits set by the CLCPA.
NY Predicts 200K+ New Clean Energy Jobs by 2030
New York officials report that clean energy jobs will increase by more than 200,000 this decade and by nearly 350,000 by midcentury.
Port of Oswego Authority
OSW Study: New Data Reveal Higher Wind Speeds for Great Lakes
NREL found that wind speeds in locations where wind projects might go on the New York side of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario average 8.5 to 9 meters/second.
High River Energy Center
Landowners Support 90-MW Solar Farm in Upstate New York
Public hearings on the 90-MW High River Energy Center solar farm proposed south of Amsterdam, N.Y., drew support from affected landowners, mostly farmers.
NY Activists Want Less Industry, More Justice in Clean Energy
Activists and consumer advocates in New York want to see less industry influence on clean energy policy recommendations to the state.
Two Transmission Projects Selected to Bring Low-carbon Power to NYC
New York selected the Clean Path and the Champlain Hudson Power Express transmission projects from among seven submitted to the CES Tier 4 solicitation.
NY Adopts Goal for Disadvantaged Communities Under Clean Energy Fund
NYSERDA now has a new goal of ensuring the state’s Clean Energy Fund delivers 40% of benefits of spending to disadvantaged communities.
Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
NYC Directs $24M to Decarbonize Low-income Housing
The $24 million in funding will help upgrade 1,200 housing units in New York City, reaching about 3,000 residents.
CHPE Transmission Line Opponents Tout Benefits of Excelsior Connect
The environmental organization Riverkeeper says there are proposals preferable to running transmission lines under the Hudson River.

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