A former iron mine tailings pile is the first site auctioned in New York’s Build-Ready program for large-scale renewables.
Beacon Wind has paused its efforts to build an underwater transmission line into New York City.
New York’s Public Service Commission has approved an implementation plan to push for installation of 200 MW of residential energy storage and 1,500 MW of retail storage.
The U.S. electric power industry faces unprecedented challenges from the size, pace and impacts of demand growth and should look to new approaches for possible solutions, according to speakers at NASEO’s Energy Policy Outlook Conference.
The latest update on New York’s Clean Energy Standard shows a work in progress, with only 23.2% of customer electric load met by renewables statewide in 2023.
Renewable energy industry analysts, representatives and environmental advocates say New York is in a better position than many others to make progress on its renewable energy goals during a second Trump administration.
New York state has executed contracts for proposed onshore wind and solar projects totaling 2,341 MW of capacity at an expected cost of more than $4.7 billion.
CPNY was envisioned as a solution to the heavy reliance on aging fossil fuel power generation in the densely populated New York City region.
The move comes two months after NYSERDA issued a draft blueprint for consideration of advanced nuclear technologies at a summit convened to discuss the state’s future energy economy.
NYSEIA is looking to continue the momentum for distributed solar after a key milestone was achieved, but plenty of challenges remain.
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