New York
A longstanding project to build a wind tower manufacturing center in the Port of Albany has become uncertain under the Trump administration.
A former iron mine tailings pile is the first site auctioned in New York’s Build-Ready program for large-scale renewables.
NYISO presented its assumptions for the economic and electrification trends that would drive load growth through the 2040s based on Moody’s Analytics data, which show statewide population to “significantly” decline.
Uncertainty around federal funding, permitting approvals and tariffs is creating major challenges for clean energy development in the Northeast, industry representatives said at NECA’s annual Renewable Energy Conference.
A Brattle Group study found that New York could achieve 8.5 GW in “grid flexibility” measures by 2040, saving consumers more than $2 billion a year.
A report released in February by Aurora Energy Research has found that President Donald Trump’s executive orders have put 43 GW of East Coast offshore wind projects at risk of permitting delay.
Beacon Wind has paused its efforts to build an underwater transmission line into New York City.
New York’s Public Service Commission has approved an implementation plan to push for installation of 200 MW of residential energy storage and 1,500 MW of retail storage.
The U.S. electric power industry faces unprecedented challenges from the size, pace and impacts of demand growth and should look to new approaches for possible solutions, according to speakers at NASEO’s Energy Policy Outlook Conference.
The latest update on New York’s Clean Energy Standard shows a work in progress, with only 23.2% of customer electric load met by renewables statewide in 2023.
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