September 28, 2024


South Fork Wind
Plans Would Boost OSW Infrastructure, Supply Chain Development
The plan offered by the Business Network for Offshore Wind calls for spending $36 billion on a network of up to 119 ports nationwide.
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Proactive Hosting Capacity Planning is Essential for Evolving Grid
Utilities and customers both benefit when proactive hosting capacity planning is used to get ahead of the rising demand for distributed energy resources, panelists at the RE+ conference in Las Vegas said.
Mass. Utilities Submit Grid Modernization Drafts
Eversource and National Grid expect their annual peak electricity load in Massachusetts to more than double by 2050.
SouthCoast Wind
More Bad OSW News: SouthCoast Bails, Ørsted Tanks
SouthCoast Wind is on the verge of falling out of the development pipeline, having reached agreements to buy its way out of too-low power purchase agreements.
Commonwealth Wind PPA Cancellations OK’d
The Massachusetts DPU has approved cancellation of Commonwealth Wind's PPAs and approved terms of the state's fourth wind power solicitation.
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Inside The Largest Wind Blade Testing Center in the US
The size of the blades tested by the center has increased rapidly in recent years.
Mass. DPU Moves to Streamline Municipal Aggregation
New simplified process and rules will accelerate the Massachusetts DPU's review of municipal aggregation plans and enhance consumer protections.
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States Call for an Executive-level EJ Position at ISO-NE
High-level energy officials from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont asked ISO-NE to establish an executive-level environmental justice position.
The National Park Service
Utilities, Generators and Wind Developers Spend Big on Lobbying in Massachusetts
Lobbying data sheds light on the political influence, broad agreements, and simmering tensions that underlie Massachusetts climate and energy policy.
Eversource Takes Hit on Sale of Offshore Wind Assets
Eversource announced an after-tax impairment charge of $331 million related to the sale of its offshore wind assets in its quarterly earnings call.

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