September 29, 2024


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California Makes $150M Available for Zero-emission School Buses
The California Air Resources Board is taking applications for $150 million in state funding to help public school districts purchase zero-emission buses and related infrastructure.
Volvo Trucks
CARB, Manufacturers Partner to Support Clean Truck Rules
As a court battle heats up over California’s zero-emission truck regulations, a group of manufacturers have committed to follow the rules even if they’re overturned.
Port of Stockton
California Invests in Zero-emission Port Equipment
California announced $1.5 billion in port infrastructure upgrades, including for zero-emission locomotives, vessels and vehicles.
Calif. Legislature Approves Key Infrastructure Bills

California lawmakers OK’d Gov. Newsom’s package of infrastructure bills to speed clean energy development, sending the measures to Newsom for his signature.

UC Davis
California Study to Delve into EV Charging Challenges
A three-year study by UC Davis will examine the wide range of problems EV drivers face when they visit public charging stations.
California Duck Curve Getting Deeper
California's duck curve deepened to new levels this spring as solar capacity increased, at times exceeding demand, the Energy Information Administration said.
Calif. Governor, Lawmakers Agree on Infrastructure Bills
California Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders reached a budget deal that includes most of Newsom's controversial energy infrastructure bills.
TransWest Express
TransWest Express Transmission Line Breaks Ground
Developers held a ceremonial groundbreaking for the TransWest Express line, intended to carry 3 GW of wind power from Wyoming to California.
Cal Advocates
California EV Grid Fixes Could Cost $35B Less than Estimated
Upgrading California’s grid to serve millions of electric vehicles could cost far less than the $50 billion that a recent study indicated, Cal Advocates say.
California Governor's Office
Newsom Stresses Role of Permitting in California Energy Transition
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has bold words for transitioning to clean energy, including on permitting, but his plan lacks some specifics.

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