July 27, 2024

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

California PUC Votes to Extend Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant 5 Years
The California PUC approved extending operations at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant through 2030.
California Energy Commission
California PUC Partners with State Workforce Agency to Advance Green Jobs
The two agencies are working together to create clean energy jobs and build pathways into the middle class in disadvantaged communities.
ACEEE Paper Says Rate Design Can Avoid Higher Bills from Electrification
ACEEE released a report highlighting strategies for avoiding higher overall energy bills from electrification, which is a concern for states with high average power prices.
Cal Advocates
California EV Grid Fixes Could Cost $35B Less than Estimated
Upgrading California’s grid to serve millions of electric vehicles could cost far less than the $50 billion that a recent study indicated, Cal Advocates say.

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