March 7, 2025

Company News

TVA Sued Over Contributions to Trade Groups
The Center for Biological Diversity has sued the TVA over contributions it makes to trade associations and industry groups, arguing a misuse of ratepayer funds.
Central Maine Power
FERC Investigating Avangrid-NextEra Dispute over NECEC Interconnection
FERC ordered Avangrid and NextEra to submit additional briefs in their ongoing dispute over the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission project.
Co-op Accuses Xcel of Coal Plant Mismanagement, Deception
A Colorado cooperative alleges Xcel Energy’s poor management of the Comanche 3 coal plant cost it "tens of millions" in repair costs and replacement power.
NV Energy
NV Energy Applies to Build Northern Nevada Line
NV Energy applied to build a 235-mile transmission line across northern Nevada — a project that would complete a transmission triangle around the state.
U.S. Forest Service
PG&E Value Lags as Dixie Fire Rages
The 900,000-acre Dixie Fire is preventing PG&E stock from rising much above $9/share, shorting a fire victims' trust funded with utility stock by $2.5 billion.
Entergy Energizes Second Tx Line, Generator
Entergy has activated two of the eight transmission lines serving the New Orleans area, allowing them to restore power to parts of downtown.
Entergy: ‘Rebuild’ Needed for Worst Ida Damage
Entergy said most of its Louisiana customers affected by Hurricane Ida will see their power restored by Sept. 9 but that some areas will require a "rebuild."
Ally Energy
ESG Goes Mainstream for Energy Investors
ESG now permeates energy investing, speakers on a recent panel said, but it needs to reach beyond high-growth, cleantech companies with no carbon problems.
Plus Power
Largest Standalone Battery Storage System in Northeast Planned for Small Mass. Town
Plus Power filed a petition last week with the Massachusetts Energy Facility Siting Board for approval to build the Cranberry Point Energy Storage project.
Entergy Louisiana
Entergy Re-energizes Small Portion of New Orleans
Entergy restored power to a fraction of customers in New Orleans Wednesday morning, using a transmission line from the northern side of Lake Pontchartrain.

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