September 4, 2024

Company News

Electricities of North Carolina
FERC Orders Negotiations in Duke-Muni Contract Dispute
FERC conditionally approved changes to Duke's contract with municipal utilities in N.C. but ordered negotiations over how demand charges are calculated.
Electric cat, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
AEP to Sell Unregulated Renewables Portfolio
AEP said it intends to sell some or all of its unregulated contracted renewable resources and redirect the proceeds to its transmission assets.
U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Avangrid CEO: Benefits of OSW Restructuring Not Reflected in Stock
Avangrid’s CEO said during an earnings call that the lease areas that the company now directly controls are “undervalued based on current market prices.”
PSEG Looks to Post-fossil Future
PSEG said during its Q4 earnings call that it's looking at further investment in offshore wind projects after completing the sale of its fossil units.
CenterPoint Energy
CenterPoint Energy Turns in Solid 2021 Performance
CenterPoint Energy continued its recovery from a disastrous 2020, reporting strong year-end and fourth-quarter earnings on Tuesday.
National Grid
RI Agency Approves PPL Acquisition of Narragansett Electric
The Rhode Island Division of Public Utilities and Carriers approved PPL's acquisition of Narragansett Electric from National Grid.
Blade Energy Partners/CPUC
SoCalGas Proposes Hydrogen Pipelines
SoCalGas proposed what could be the largest green hydrogen infrastructure in the nation, with pipelines moving hydrogen from desert solar farms to Los Angeles.
PPL Announces Losses, Dividend Cut in Q4 Call
PPL’s stock price took a sharp hit when it announced during its Q4 earnings call that it was cutting dividends in half and missed earnings targets.
Con Edison
Con Edison 2021 Earnings Jump 22%
Consolidated Edison on Thursday reported 2021 net income of $1.35 billion ($3.86/share), up 22.3% compared with $1.1 billion ($3.29/share) the previous year.
FirstEnergy Shareholder Settlement: 6 of 16 Board Members Must Leave
Under a settlement with shareholders, six members of FirstEnergy’s board of directors would not seek re-election at the company’s annual meeting in May.

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