September 18, 2024

Company News

Exelon Adding 2,000 MW, 50% Increase, in ERCOT
Exelon Generation is adding another 2,000 MW of fossil generation to its fleet in Texas, which will bring the company’s total generation in ERCOT to nearly 6,000 MW.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies in the PJM Interconnection this week, including the Tennessee Valley Authority, Exelon, Duke, PSE&G and Dominion.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies in the PJM Interconnection this week, including NRG, Dominion, PSEG, Duke, FirstEnergy, Exelon, PPL and AEP.
Market Monitor on Talen Plan: Not So Fast
PPL’s plan to spin off its generation into Talen Energy needs additional mitigation to address local market power concerns, PJM’s market monitor told FERC.
FERC Rejects Duke Affiliates’ Capacity-Sharing Deal
FERC rejected an agreement between Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress to share capacity, saying the deal would be discriminatory.
Duke, Dominion Propose 550-Mile, $5 Billion Pipeline for Shale Gas
Duke Energy, Dominion Resources and other partners last week proposed a 550-mile, $5 billion pipeline to carry natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica shale formations to Virginia and eastern North Carolina.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies in the PJM Interconnection this week, including Duke Energy, Exelon, American Electric Power, Pepco and PPL.
Dynegy: Change MISO Capacity Rules or We’ll Join PJM
Dynegy said last week it will seek to move its Illinois generation to PJM unless MISO changes its capacity market rules.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies in the PJM Interconnection this week, including FirstEnergy, Exelon and Intergrys.
Becomes ISO-NE Player Overnight
Dynegy’s purchase of Energy Capital Partners’ New England power plants will immediately make it a major participant in ISO-NE.

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