September 18, 2024

Company News

Connecticut Cuts CLP Distribution Hike by 41%
The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority cut the CL&P proposed distribution rate increase by 41% in a draft decision.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies doing business with RTOs. This week we include NextEra, Ameren, Xcel, PSE&G and Dominion.
FERC Approves Revised PJM-Duke JOA Despite IMM Protest
FERC approved a revised JOA between PJM and Duke Energy Progress despite protests from the RTO’s IMM that it gives Duke favored treatment on interchange pricing.
DOJ Probing Interconnection Process in Exelon-Pepco Merger
The DOJ is investigating the interconnection process in PJM’s MAAC sub-region as part of its anti-trust review of Exelon’s $6.8 billion takeover of Pepco.
Con Ed Opens New Front in PSEG Transmission Allocation Dispute
Con Ed of New York filed a complaint with FERC stating its opposition to a cost allocation formula that PJM has devised for two transmission upgrades.
Duke Energy Eyes Natural Gas Production
Duke Energy is moving away from coal, investing in natural gas-fired generation and committing to a multi-billion dollar natural gas pipeline investment.
Duke Sees $3.4B Coal Ash Cleanup Bill; Who’s Next?
Duke Energy has filed a plan with North Carolina environmental agencies to remove millions of tons of coal ash from four of its sites in the state, the beginning of a massive coal ash remediation effort the company estimates will cost $3.4 billion.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies in the PJM Interconnection this week, including DTE, NRG, NTE, FirstEnergy, Dominion, TVA and PPL.
FERC Approves Exelon-Pepco Merger
FERC yesterday approved the $6.8 billion merger of Exelon and Pepco Holdings Inc., dismissing concerns from PJM stakeholders.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies in the PJM Interconnection this week, including AEP, NRG, Sunoco Pipeline, SMECO and Fishermen's Energy.

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