September 17, 2024

Company News

Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on PPL, Amazon, DTE, Xcel, Duke, Exelon, Invenergy, Dominion and the Dynegy capacity auction controversy.
Connecticut Officials at Odds over Plant Clean-up, Merger
Connecticut environmental officials are at odds with utility regulators over whether the state should seek cleanup of an abandoned power plant as a condition for Iberdrola’s acquisition of UIL Holdings.
Southern Co. Misreading Tariff, MISO Says
MISO asked FERC to dismiss a complaint alleging it billed more than $21 million in excessive transmission rates, saying Southern Co. misinterpreted its Tariff.
NH Broker Proposes Direct Hydro Sales to Customers
A New Hampshire energy broker wants to dust off a so-far unused 1978 state law that allows small hydro producers to sell electricity directly to customers.
Dumpster Dive Fails to Find Lost NRG Generator Records
Staff of a Maryland power plant accidentally threw away records necessary for an audit, fruitlessly searching four dumpsters for them, NRG told FERC.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on Duke, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Berkshire Hathaway, Tesoro and Disney.
PJM Employee No. 13, Jim Kirby, Has Left the Building
PJM employee No. 13 switched off the lights of a nearly 53-year career, leaving open a position for a mentor, office prankster and Santa Claus.
Central Hudson Case Provides Early Test of NY REV
Central Hudson's decision to include distributed energy resource projects in its rate case before New York regulators is providing an early look into a utility’s approach to the state’s energy industry overhaul.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on PPL, NextEra, National Grid, Dominion, Duke and Xcel, as well as MISO, the Organization of MISO States and NARUC.
Entergy Arkansas, Mississippi to Pay $32.6M in ‘Bandwidth’ Recalculation
Entergy Arkansas and Entergy Mississippi will pay $32.6 million to their sister companies under a bandwidth recalculation report approved by FERC.

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