September 17, 2024

Company News

DTE Electric Wins OK to Acquire Gas Peaker
DTE Electric has won federal approval to acquire a 320-MW natural gas-fired peaking plant from its parent company to help it meet MISO Zone 7 resource adequacy requirements.
FERC Eliminates Form 566 for Most Filers. So Why Does it Still Exist at All?
RTOs, ISOs and exempt wholesale generators will no longer have to file FERC Form 566, a minor but annoying requirement.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on Alliant, Kinder Morgan, Emera, WEC Energy Group, Xcel Energy, Dynegy, Invenergy and PSEG Long Island.
Talen Entering NYISO in $1.2B Deal
Talen Energy announced its first post-spinoff acquisition that expands the company’s presence in ISO-NE and marks its entry into NYISO.
REV Proposals Seek to Increase Conservation
New York utilities have filed 15 demonstration projects for consideration under the state’s Reforming the Energy Vision initiative.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on Deepwater Wind, Facebook, Dominion, Ameren, SunEdison and Talen Energy.
FirstEnergy to Spin off its Last Utility-Managed Tx Assets
FirstEnergy would spin off the transmission assets of Jersey Central Power & Light, Metropolitan Edison and Pennsylvania Electric into a new subsidiary.
SunEdison Making $2B Bet on Wind in Midwest, Canada
Established by SunEdison to own and operate its solar farms, TerraForm has since expanded its focus to wind and other clean-power assets.
Northern Additions Boost SPP Membership to 90
SPP used social media recently to announce its membership had hit 90 with the addition of three cooperatives and an investor-owned utility that joined the RTO as part of the Integrated System.
Iberdrola Withdraws UIL Acquisition; Plans to Refile
Iberdrola dropped its bid to acquire UIL Holdings but promised to file a new application that would address Connecticut regulators' objections.

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